Returning to Curbside Pickup

With the provincial government’s April 1st announcement of a return to a province-wide shutdown as of 12:01am April 3rd, Words Worth will be once again closed to in-store traffic. We will be continuing to do no-contact pickup from our back door, as well as deliveries for $3 in Kitchener and Waterloo on Monday and Friday mornings. In both cases, payment ahead of time is required.

Further news will be shared as it comes up.

Opening to the Public March 15

So, a couple weeks ago we talked about our plans to open today, March 1st, and unfortunately some people have tried to come in today and learned that due to various circumstances that are not worth getting into, we are still closed, and chose to remain so another 2 weeks until Monday March 15, barring complications.

We do apologize for the inconvenience of anyone who has tried to come to the store over the last week and were unable to, and promise we will keep you up to date on if there are any other changes when it comes to re-opening on the 15th.

In the meantime, stay well, and don't forget you can always reach us by email at or by phone at 519-884-2665.

February 16: Are we open to the public?

So, in case you can't guess, one of the most common questions we've been getting on the phone the last couple days is "are you open for in-store shopping?" We get it, we're eager to see our beloved regulars as well, so sadly our answer may not be everyone's favourite.

Are we open for in-store? No.

Not yet, anyway. After being closed to the public for two months (again), and being very busy with all your orders during that time (thank you all), we decided we needed a little more lead time to get the store cleaned up and ready for in-store shopping again, so we have decided that we will be opening back up on Monday, March 1st at 9am.

The rules will be the same as prior to Christmas, but after a year of this, we should all know that, right? Masks required, keeping our distance from one another, etc etc. You all know this.

And, for those who want it, we will of course also be continuing to offer our pre-paid, no contact pick-ups from the back door, and our deliveries.

So, that's our news: March 1st, 9am to 6pm. We'll see you then.

Words Worth on COVID-19

We wanted to reach out to our customers with an update on our response to the COVID-19 situation. We will be making the following changes at Words Worth Books:

As directed by the Government, as of end-of-day Tuesday March 24th, Words Worth Books is closed to the public until further notice. 

However, we continue to do online sales and free no-contact local (Kitchener & Waterloo) delivery until further notice (subject to change).

On top of this, we are now offering back door book pick-up! Simply call ahead and prepay for your titles. Then swing by between Mon-Sat 9-5. Ring our doorbell and stand 6 feet back. We'll leave your package beside the door for safe, no-contact pick-up!

Order through our searchable database online at:

Call us between 9-5 Mon-Sat: 519-884-2665

Email us:

A portion of our delivery sales will be donated to the Food Bank of Waterloo Region.

We continue to encourage people to rely on wisdom and compassion during this uncertain time. Keep up-to-date and informed about all risks to self and others. Choose empathy over fear and look after neighbours as well as loved ones. Please consider donating to the Food Bank or other beloved charities.

Continue reading. Books are the unsung heroes of mental health, bolstering hope and optimism, healthy escape, wisdom, and empathy. Books are true lifelong companions. We will continue to put great titles into people's hands (without actually touching anyone for the foreseeable future!) for as long as we can. It is basically part of our unofficial honour code as booksellers.

Our bookstore also functions as more than just a bastion to the written word. At Words Worth we have the honour to know people from many walks of life with their own unique stories. We function as a community hub, offering a familiar voice and a listening ear. During this time of uncertainty we continue to be just a phone call, or an email, away. Be well.


All of us at Words Worth Books