Drink Good Coffee. Read Good Books.

Just a little further up the street our friends are now in a construction zone with infrastructure and streetscape improvements taking place over the summer. Show them the love and you could WIN!

  1. Buy something from Settlement, DVLB, Princess Cafe, Seven Shores, or Cafe 1842.
  2. Bring the receipt to Words Worth Books.
  3. Write your name and contact info on the back of the receipt and drop it in the ballot box.
  4. Tell every single one of your friends how excited and caffeinated you are.
  5. Until September 4th we will have one ballot each Monday. The prize is a $20 gift certificate to Words Worth Books. Winning ballots are put back in the draw for another chance to win!

Tweet about it! 


And just like that--it's MAY! ... May-ish. (Okay, it's still April)

We're a little early with our newsletter but there are a few things happening this last week of April that we'd like to tell you about. Actually there's a lot happening in May too!

Read on, dear friends. Read on. (Don't miss the Fun Stuff at the end!)

Saturday, April 29: AUTHORS FOR INDIES DAY

AFI is an annual event held at independent bookstores all across Canada. On this day, Canadian authors show their appreciation for indie bookstores by volunteering as guest booksellers. AFI is a different sort of literary event--it's a grassroots volunteer-run campaign whose goal is to raise awareness of indie bookstores and how important they are: to our communities, our reading lives, and our cultural well-being.

WE ARE THRILLED TO WELCOME GUY GAVRIEL KAY AS OUR GUEST BOOKSELLER. From 2:00 to 4:00 you can get some reading advice from this internationally acclaimed author of over a dozen works of fantasy fiction. His most recent book, "Children of Earth and Sky," will be available in paperback. Visit Guy's website: http://brightweavings.com/ggk/


You could win $1000 worth of Penguin Random House Books!

Test your bookstore fandom with our Authors for Indies Bookstore Bingo challenge! Each square you complete earns you one entry into a draw for $1000 worth of Penguin Random House books, to be picked up at your local independent retailer.

Contest opens on April 29 from 12:00am to 11:59pm (EST).

Visit http://penguinrandomhouse.ca/authors-indies-bookstore-bingo to play!

Wednesday, April 26: Appetite for Reading 
There are still a few more spots available for for Kerry Clare author of "Mitzi Bytes" 
6:00pm 10:00pm at Nick and Nat's Uptown 21 (21 King St. N. Waterloo) 
- drinks at 6; dinner at 7; author talk around 8ish

Thursday, April 27: She Shares - fundraiser for St. Mary's Hospital 
A luncheon featuring Dr. Randy Paterson, psychologist and author of "How To Be Miserable" 
Contact Cristen Brown at cbrow[at]supportstmarys.ca or 519-749-6918

Thursday, April 27: One Book Once Community Announcement 
At last, the 2017 title will be revealed. Check out the Twitter Contest! Once a week, @OBOC_KW will post a new challenge. Each time you participate, you will automatically earn an entry for a grand prize draw. Learn more at One Book One Community

Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30pm: Learning History Together 
Holocaust survivor Max Eisen author of "By Chance Alone" was only 15-years-old when he was imprisoned in Auschwitz. Hear his first-hand story of courage and survival at this free event. Southwood Secondary School - Library: 30 Southwood Dr., Cambridge ON

Wednesday, May 3 at 7:00pm: Perimeter Institute Public Lecture 
Eminent theoretical astrophysicist and award-winning writer, Janna Levin (Black Hole Blues) will tell the story of the headline-making discovery of gravitational waves. 
Visit https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/outreach/general-public/public-lecture-series for more information.

Thursday, May 11 at 7:00pm: The Case for Divesting in Fossil Fuels in Canada 
Join us at the CIGI Campus Auditorium for a public lecture from Jeff Rubin author of "The Carbon Bubble". For more information contact events[at]cigionline.org

Friday, May 26 at 11:30am: Concurrent Disorders Working Group of Waterloo Region 
Keynote speaker Gordana Eljdupovik on the topic, "Beyond Grounding: Working Effectively with Emotionally Dysregulated Clients." Words Worth Books will be on-hand with a book table of topically related titles. Contact ntaylor[at]smgh.ca for more information.


Thursday, May 11: Blomkvist Wannabes 
The Savages by Don Winslow

Thursday, May 25: Tasty Book Club meeting 
Open to subscribers only. We will discuss the four books you've received these past few months. 
The Illumination by Kevin Brockmeier 
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss 
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 
Sweetness in the Belly by Camilla Gibb

Friday, May 26: Books & Babies

Tuesday, May 30: Words Worth Bookclub 
The Hidden Keys by Andre Alexis

Wednesday, May 31: Specfics & Chill 
The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

Book Event: Thursday, May 11 and Friday, May 12: 6:30-9pm

FEAST: Recipes and Stories from a Canadian Road Trip

Celebrate Canada's 150th with RELISH 
In Relish Cooking Studio's second series of Canadian cuisine classes they will be celebrating what makes Canadian food unique and special as we move towards Canada’s 150th birthday celebration.

Two friends. Five months. One car. Ten provinces. Three territories. Seven islands. Eight ferries. Two flights. One 48-hour train ride. And only one call to CAA. The result: over 100 incredible Canadian recipes from coast to coast and the Great White North.

In the midst of a camping trip in Squamish, British Columbia, Lindsay Anderson and Dana VanVeller decided that the summer of 2013 might be the right time for an adventure: a road trip across the entire country to experience and write about Canada’s food, culture, and wealth of compelling characters. 37,000 kilometres later, and toting a “Best Culinary Travel Blog” award from Saveur magazine, Lindsay and Dana have brought together stories, photographs and recipes from across Canada in FEAST: Recipes and Stories from a Canadian Road Trip.

Register at RELISH COOKING STUDIO. A copy of the book FEAST is included in registration to this event.

You'll have the opportunity to meet the authors, sample some goodies, and get a book signed at WORDS WORTH BOOKS on Friday, May 12 from 1pm to 2:30. Free to attend: just drop on by.

BOOKLAUNCH: The Greenbelt: Protecting and Cultivating an Ontario Treasure

Tuesday, May 30 at 7pm: Words Worth Books

Join us in celebrating the release of "The Greenbelt: Protecting and Cultivating a Great Ontario Treasure" by Burkhard Mausberg. The Greenbelt book captures insights from the Greenbelt’s artists, farmers, entrepreneurs, cyclists, mountain climbers, environmentalists, and so many others who have made the Greenbelt a success.

Guest speakers include: 
Burkhard Mausberg, CEO of the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation and author
Kevin Eby, former Director of Community Planning for the Region of Waterloo
Kevin Thomason, Vice-Chair of the Grand River Environmental Network and one of the Leaders of Smart Growth Waterloo

Light refreshments will be served. 
RSVP to http://www.greenbelt.ca/book_event_words_worth_books



Kristen snapped this photo just outside Guelph and challenged you to come up with a famous novel/rural mashup.

You thought of some doozies! Here are a few of our favourites.

"Farewell my Combine" (submitted by B. Vanbeek) 
"The Meta-MOO-phosis" (K. Hutchinson) 
"Wheat, Hay, Love" (G. Engel) 
"Tender is the Mennonite" (N. Duquette) 
"Mulch Ado About Mucking" (A. Bullock) 
"Dairy of a Wimpy Kid" (G. Case) 
"The Handmaid's Bale" (L. Praught) 
"A Bloom with a Ewe" (J. Dymond) 
"Amos Shrugged" (B. Sagel) 
"One Hundred Years of Silos, Dude" (K. Cogliano) 
"The Great Goats-by" (M. Iturriaga) 
"Whinny the Poo" (H. Kuipers) 
"The Girl with the Wagon Tattoo" (B. Guerrero) 
"The Pitchfork of Dorian Grey" (B. McLaughlin) 
"The Brothers Cowamazov" (A. Hanson) 
"Udder Milk Wood" (N. Gordijk)

Thank you so much for playing along and giving us a lot of laughs.

As always if you have any questions (or hilarious book titles) come on by for a visit! Or contact us at 519-884-2665; email hello@wordsworthbooks.com


Saturday, April 29 - AUTHORS FOR INDIES DAY! #AFI2017


Authors for Indies Day (Saturday, April 29, 2017) is an annual event held at independent bookstores (indies) all across Canada. On this day, Canadian authors show their appreciation for indie bookstores by volunteering as guest booksellers. AFI is a different sort of literary event -- it's a grassroots volunteer-run campaign whose goal is to raise awareness of indie bookstores and how important they are: to our communities, our reading lives, and our cultural well-being.

WE ARE THRILLED TO WELCOME GUY GAVRIEL KAY AS OUR GUEST BOOKSELLER! From 2:00 to 4:00 you can get some reading advice from this internationally acclaimed author of over a dozen works of fantasy fiction. His most recent book, Children of Earth and Sky, will be available in paperback. Visit Guy's website: http://brightweavings.com/ggk/

You could win $1000 worth of Penguin Random House Books!

Test your bookstore fandom with our Authors for Indies Bookstore Bingo challenge! Each square you complete earns you one entry into a draw for $1000 worth of Penguin Random House books, to be picked up at your local independent retailer. 

Contest opens on April 29 from 12:00am to 11:59pm (EST). Visit http://penguinrandomhouse.ca/authors-indies-bookstore-bingo to play!
