April Newsletter

T.S. Eliot may have thought that April was the cruelest month, but we think it's pretty great. The birds are back, the tulips are up, the peeper frogs are singing, and it's National Poetry Month! You may have heard co-owner Mandy Brouse talk about it on CBC Morning Edition but in case you missed it click HERE.



This Month--

Continuing our "Giving Back" campaign every copy we sell of Flight of the Hummingbird will help protect four square meters of ecologically sensitive land in Waterloo Region. Find out more about what they do at raresites.org

We're Out in the Community

Here's where you'll find us this month.

Wednesday 5th at the Perimeter Institute. This month's public lecture features Eugenia Cheng, author of How To Bake PI. You can live-stream the lecture from the Perimeter Institute's website or watch it from the closed circuit television in the Black Hole Bistro. Be sure to stop by the book table and say "hi."

Friday 7th at St. Jerome's University's ongoing "Lectures in Catholic Experience" will welcome Mark McGowan, author of Catholics at the Gathering Place as well as several other books on the social and religious history of Canada. McGowan will discuss how pre-confederation colonies were torn apart by sectarian and linguistic tensions, often focused on issues surrounding religious education, the separation of church and state, and the place of religion in public life.

Thursday 27th at Bingemans Ballroom, St. Mary's Hospital "She Shares". This annual luncheon event will feature keynote speaker Dr. Randy Paterson author of How To Be Miserable. This educational event provides attendees the opportunity to network and engage in topics of discussion which directly impact their own lives as well as the lives of those closest to them. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased at their EVENTBRITE page.


Thursday 13th: Blomkvist Wannabes discuss Dead Simple by Peter James 
Thursday 20th: Tasty Bookclub delivery. 
Tuesday 25th: Words Worth Bookclub discuss The Break by Katherena Vermette 
Wednesday 26th: Specfics & Chill discuss The Girl with All the Gifts by M. R. Carey 
Friday 28th: Books & Babies


Just a reminder that we'll be closed on Friday, April 14 and Sunday, April 16. We WILL be open on the Saturday.

Mark the Date: April 29 is national Authors for Indies Day

Authors for Indies is a national campaign in support of independent bookstores. On Saturday April 29, hundreds of Canadian authors will be volunteering as guest booksellers at indie bookstores across the country. Be sure to stop by Words Worth Books on Saturday, April 29 to meet Guy Gavriel Kay whose most recent book, Children of Earth and Sky will be out in paperback just in time.

Tickets Still Available

We love to read great books. And we love to eat. And we even enjoy the occasional delicious cocktail or glass of wine. So why not put it all together in one terrific evening out. And An Appetite for Reading Book Club was hatched.

There are still a few tickets available for Monday, April 24 with Kerry Clare author of Mitzi Bytes. A grown-up Harriet the Spy for the digital age, Mitzi Bytes examines the bonds of family and friendship, and the truths we dare tell about ourselves—and others.The book is great fun and Kerry is a delight. Don't miss out!


If you were in the store on April 1st you may have seen all sorts of signs hung up with LITERAL definitions of genres. Here they are again for your edification and amusement.

Every Literary Genre Summed Up in a Single Sentence

Thanks for reading! As always if you have any questions please email us at hello@wordsworthbooks.com or call 519-884-2665.

CBC CANADA READS - You could win a $25 Gift Certificate!

Here's your winter reading list figured out!  You can't go wrong with any of these gems, each selected to push against an issue-- whether speculative or real-- that we're grappling with in the world right now.  Purchase all five and we'll give you 20% off!  

Drop by the store and fill out a ballot selecting which book you think will be the last one standing.  Then listen to FM 89.1 from March 27 to 30th to hear the panelists duke it out.  We will select the winner in a random draw.

To learn more about the books and their champions visit: 


February Happenings

UNDER WRAPS: Valentine's Day Edition

Back by popular demand and in very limited supply, 3 books, $25 dollars, 1 clue.

You're never lonely when your primary romantic relationship is with books! An how better to meet a new literary life-partner than through a blind date? Carefully selected by our Matchmaker Team and catering to a wide range of tastes: mystery, literary fiction, horror, adventure and more! Get them while they're hot!

Attention subscribers to the Tasty Book Club -- DELIVERY DELAY

Sorry to report that the title we selected was out of stock and reprinting in Canada. We have found a cache of them elsewhere and they're on their way. Unfortunately this means you will not receive your delectable parcel on Valentine's Day as we intended. Look for it at your door on Thursday, February 23. (We'll be notifying you individually about this delay.)

What did you think of Kevin Brockmeier's Illumination? Would you like to get together and talk about the books? Should we try that?

Please email Kristen H. (kristengh@wordsworthbooks.com) if you're interested and we'll see if we can get something off the ground.


Tuesday, February 21, 7pm at Words Worth Books

Dispatches from Lesbian America is a collection of more than forty works of short fiction and memoir from contemporary writers, some newly emerging and some well-known. Unique in recent lesbian anthologies, these thoughtful stories address themes meaningful to us in the modern world.

Featuring local author and contributor, Mo Markham. The event is free; everyone is welcome. Contact Words Worth Books for more information.

Cultured Club at THE BERLIN: with JOEL MacCHARLES, co-author of BATCH

Thursday, February 23, 7pm at THE BERLIN: 45 King St. W., Kitchener

The BERLIN kicks off their Cultured Club series with Forked River Brewery and Joel MacCharles, co-author of Batch.

"Join us and our sommelier Wes, who has curated a fun and interactive tasting experience, as we sample some rare and specialty brews from this amazing brewery paired with unique dishes from Chef Jonathan Gushue, and The Berlin kitchen team.

Joel MacCharles will also be preparing some specialty preserved and femerented specialties that he has prepared with Forked River Beer and featuring some unique items from his amazing book!

Words Worth Books will also be joining us with copies of "Batch" available for you to purchase. Any books purchased from Words Worth that evening will come with a special signing from the author himself!

Don't miss out on this great event - register with us now!"

We love to hear from you. Please drop us a line at hello@wordsworthbooks.com, call 519-884-2665, or better yet-- visit! 96 King St. in Uptown Waterloo. We also do the Facebook and the Twitter and the Instagram, so find us online.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's time for our ANNUAL SALE

Hi, friends!  Did you have a good holiday?  We certainly did thanks in no small part to all of you.  Clearly books were given and received with joy this season!  

Say what you will about 2016 but it certainly was a great year for reading.  No doubt you heard Dave talk up a storm about Noah Hawley (Before the Fall), Katherena Vermette (The Break) and Zoe Whittall (The Best Kind of People).  Mandy's favourites were The Wonder by Emma Donoghue and The Witches of New York by Ami McKay.  (McKay was also Jessie's top pick.)  Ask Maggie about Secondhand Time Svetlana Alexievich and you'll get a fascinating ten minute lesson on the Russian citizenry of pre- and post-communist rule.  Curtis thinks more people should read the biography of literary tastemaker, Blanche Knopf (The Woman with the Borzoi by Laura Claridge) without whom we wouldn't have some of our brightest modernist luminaries.  Chris' escape was to Summerlong, an anticipated novel by Peter S. Beagle (who, by the way, has a new unicorn fable coming out in February!), and Kristen found The Last Days of New Paris (China Mieville) to be wonderfully and unapologetically weird.

2017 is shaping up to be even better.  Take a look at this Globe & Mail article.  That's right!  New Barbara Gowdy, Heather O'Neill, Eden Robinson, and Nick Cutter!  If you want to pre-order any of these titles we've reproduced this list here at our webstore.

But we know what you're really excited about...  IT'S OUR ANNUAL SALE!!!

Time to cash in those reward points and gift cards and get the most book for your buck!


This year's "Giving Back" campaign was a rousing success!  Thanks to your enthusiastic response $2020.00 was raised for THE HEALING OF THE SEVEN GENERATIONS.  

This money will be put towards supporting their local programming: 

  • Women's and Men's Healing Circles
  • Community Lunches
  • Community Clothes Rack
  • Paper Products
  • Back-pack program
  • Christmas Boxes
  • Court Support
  • Aboriginal Teaching Circles
  • Community Socials
  • Family & Child Services Support (with Tall Tree Consulting)

We are very fortunate to have this organization at work in our community.  You can find out more about them by visiting their website.  healingofthesevengenerations.weebly.com 

Thank you for your generosity.


You have until Monday, January 9 to get in on The Tasty Bookclub. 

The theme of this bookclub is “community”. Through four carefully selected novels we are examining the ways in which fiction reveals the truth, builds empathy, and fosters a deeper sense of connection to the world around us.  Each month, from January to April, you will receive a unique reading experience and an exquisite confection from Sabletine Fine Pastries delivered directly to your door.  

The book is secret... the treat* is delicious...  Welcome to the Tasty Book Club.

(*may contain nuts, gluten and/or dairy)

And since we all love food about as much as we love books...


Space is limited!  Sign up at Relish Cooking Studio's website. http://www.relishcookingstudio.com/event-registration/?ee=1072

As always, if you have any questions or you just want to chat about what you're reading, you can reach us at 519-884-2665, hello@wordsworthbooks.com, or pop on by to 96 King St. S. in glorious, construction-free Uptown Waterloo.

The Countdown Begins: Read further for an update on GIVING BACK and a nifty gift idea.

When you have absolutely no idea...

...Leave it to us! We've got the perfect Holiday Gift.

Together with Sablétine Fine Pastries we are happy to bring back The Tasty Bookclub!



The theme of this bookclub is “community”. Through four carefully selected novels we are examining the ways in which fiction reveals the truth, builds empathy, and fosters a deeper sense of connection to the world around us. Call or visit Words Worth Books to sign up.

GIVING BACK and how we feel we're the ones who were given a gift.

You're sure to know by now that Words Worth Books is donating 100% of the profit from the sale of Joseph Boyden's Wenjack to The Healing of the Seven Generations, Kitchener. Penguin Canada was wonderful in their support of this incentive, and through them this was rolled out to independent bookstores across the country so that each may donate to wherever there's most need in their community.

Locally this has been a rousing success, and on Tuesday Mandy and Kristen went to The Healing of the Seven Generations to deliver a cheque for a portion of what has been raised so far.

We were met by executive director Donna Dubie and about ten other people who were busy peeling carrots and potatoes while a tongue-in-cheek Aboriginal version of The Twelve Days of Christmas played in the background. Everyone was preparing for Wednesday's Christmas feast. They were expecting over 100 people to take part, "though usually it's just 60 or 70 who come to the regular weekly potluck. You should come! but you've gotta bring potluck. We prefer something home-made," she said with a laugh.

We sat down with Donna and she told us about the sorts of things The Healing of the Seven Generations work on. In addition to the community lunch they have a room full of warm winter clothing that is free to anyone who needs it. With their back-pack program children, teens, or even adults returning to school, are given pens, paper, binders, and a brand new pair of sneakers. Most importantly, however, is the social programming available through H7G. There are weekly healing circles for men and women, community outreach, parenting workshops, and court support; their motivation is always to empower and restore balance through traditional ceremonies, culturally appropriate counselling, and education. WISDOM, HEALING, VISION, COMMUNITY: is it with these four things that H7G seeks to redress the tragic legacy of Residential Schools.

We were thrilled to hand Donna a cheque for $1100.00-- that's maybe half of what we expect will be raised thanks to your enthusiastic support. Before we left we were told in no uncertain terms that they'd be looking for us at Wednesday's feast. We explained that we probably couldn't make it-- "Oh, but you could come out for half an hour. Sure you can," and she nodded like that was settled. As the enticing smell of food filled the kitchen and people joked back and forth, we were shown photographs and jewelry, leatherwork and wood-carving, and our plan for a ten-minute visit turned into an hour and a half in this warm company. We feel so lucky to have such wonderful new friends at H7G just as the Region of Waterloo is lucky to have their tireless and compassionate work in the community.

From left to right: Nina, Louise, Donna, Pauline, Mandy, Kristen, and Tiara.

From left to right: Nina, Louise, Donna, Pauline, Mandy, Kristen, and Tiara.