Return of the Tasty Book Club

Sociologists say we’re now living in a “post-truth era”.  In a time when so many people filter their news through social media (affording them only the most narrow view of the world,) the rift between liberal and conservative, urban and rural, black and white has widened.  Opinions stand in for facts; emotions over-ride reason, and truth becomes a casualty.  Indeed, as we’ve recently witnessed, a presidential candidate can outright lie and still earn the nomination.

If facts can be overwritten by the most bombastic of falsehoods, how are we to measure the value of a non-fiction account?  How do we measure fiction?  Let’s explore--

This season Words Worth Books is bringing back the Tasty Bookclub with the theme of “community”.  Through four carefully selected novels we are examining the ways in which fiction uncovers the truth, builds empathy, and fosters a deeper sense of connection to the world around us.

Sign up for the Tasty Bookclub at Words Worth Books for $135.00.  On January 19, February 14, March 23 and April 20 you will receive a delivery directly to your door.  It will contain a delectable treat from the beloved Sablétine, and a novel that has been chosen to stand as a challenge against the idea that the more frightened, fragmented and fortified the nation, the stronger it is. 

The book is secret... the treat is delicious...  Welcome to the Tasty Bookclub.*

(*treat may contain nuts, dairy and/or gluten.)

Giving Back 2016

Last year we embarked on an initiative to give back where it was most needed. We asked you to purchase The Smallest Gift of Christmas by Peter H. Reynolds and donated 100% of our profit to support a local family of Syrian refugees.  Close to $800 was raised! 

Inspired by your enthusiastic response we talked to our other bookseller friends and they loved the idea. Soon independent bookstores across Canada were selling The Smallest Gift of Christmas and donating all their profits to local families or organizations.

We're at it again. This year we would like to invite you to purchase Wenjack by acclaimed writer Joseph Boyden with illustrations from Ken Monkman. Boyden has crafted a powerful and poignant novella based on the true story of Chanie Wenjack, an Ojibwe boy who runs away from a North Ontario Indian School, not realizing just how far from home he is. Along the way he's followed by Manitous, spirits of the forest who comment on his plight, cajoling, taunting, and ultimately offering him a type of comfort on his difficult journey back to the place from where he was so brutally removed. 

100% of our profits will be donated to The Healing of the Seven Generations, an organization that works with Aboriginal people in Waterloo Region. They assist those who are suffering from the lasting effects of the legacy of Residential Schools. In an environment that is personal, welcoming, and culturally appropriate, survivors are taught healing through traditional approaches and practices such as prayer, ceremony, songs, dance, drumming, dreams, fasting, and medicines.

We would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to you, our customers and steadfast champions of the printed word. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your support and we are grateful for this opportunity to give a little something back.


Waterloo Reads: Battle of the Books

Join us on October 18th at 7:00pm at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex (Hauser Haus) for the 4th annual Waterloo Reads! Battle of the Books

Waterloo Reads! is a fun night of debate, trash talk, draw prizes, delicious refreshments and quite possibly the most lively book chat you’ve ever witnessed.  

The 2016 “Champions” for Waterloo Reads: the battle of the books are:

Wendy Tutt, Co-Owner of the Princess Cinemas & Winner of Waterloo Reads 2015
They Left Us Everything: a memoir by Plum Johnson

Dave Jaworsky, Mayor, City of Waterloo
Punishment by Linden MacIntyre

Mandy Brouse, Co-Owner of Words Worth Books
Local Customs: a novel by Audrey Thomas

Darryl “Chef D” Fletcher, Professional Chef & TV Show Host
The Hunger of the Wolf by Stephen Marche

Care, Radio Announcer (Country106.7) and TV Show Host
Seconds: a graphic novel by Bryan Lee O’Malley

Andrew Coppolino, Food Commentator, Columnist & Critic
The Jaguar’s Children by John Vaillant

Neil Ballantyne, City & Life/Art Editor, Waterloo Region Record
That Lonely Section of Hell: the botched investigation of a serial killer who almost got away by Lori Shenher

Nan Forler, Author & Teacher
All Saints: stories by K.D. Miller

Alex Kinsella, Small & Medium Enterprise Team, Communitech
Under the Visible Life by Kim Echlin

Eric Drozd, Broadcaster and Host of The Eric Drozd Show on 570 News
Birdie by Tracey Lindberg

For more information visit

We'll see YOU at the battle!

Five More Years!

From the desk of Mandy Brouse...

"Today David Worsley and I signed a lease for 5 more years at our current location in Uptown Waterloo! Words Worth Books has been thriving in Uptown for 32 years and we anticipate adding 5 more years to that running total.

In truth, it has been a hard year for this entire Region. Some doors have closed for good, some of our favourite businesses are moving, and we've seen less foot traffic in Uptown. And we've worked extremely hard this year to stay in the exact same spot. It seems we'll achieve that goal.

With that said, this year isn't over. Our busiest and most important time is October-December and we're hoping that construction won't stop you from shopping with us this season. Grandlinq tells us that by November 30th they will have King street fully paved and open for two-way traffic. We'll get our streets back in Uptown. We are near the finish line.

We have seen so much support this year, so many people came out every day to support their independent bookstore in this Region. We hope we thanked everyone with our hard work and dedication. We absolutely could not be here without you.

Here's to 5 more years!!"

BOOKLAUNCH! September 27 with Erin Bow, James Bow, RJ Anderson & Casey Lyall

Step right up for an evening of excitement, adventure and intrigue as these four illustrious authors dazzle and delight with orations from their newly published folios of middle-grade and teen fiction!

ERIN BOW is the author of The Swan Riders, sequel to The Scorpion Rules, which received three starred reviews and was a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year; the acclaimed Russian-flavored fantasy Plain Kate, which received two starred reviews and was a YALSA Best Book of the Year; and the terrifying YA ghost story Sorrow’s Knot, which received five starred reviews and was a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year. Visit her at

JAMES BOW is the author of three YA fantasy novels and several science books for young readers. He works as a consulting writer and editor, and writes a weekly column for the Kitchener Post community newspaper. His interests are eclectic - he spent his university career writing and editing Doctor Who fan fiction magazines. James lives with his wife, author Erin Bow, and their two children. Visit him online at

REBECCA J ANDERSON is the author of several acclaimed books, including the teen thriller Ultraviolet, which was shortlisted for the Andre Norton Award, and the UK-bestselling Knife series for middle grade readers. Her love for the Golden Age detective novels of Dorothy L. Sayers and Margery Allingham, along with a lifelong delight in fantasy and adventure stories, inspired her to write A Pocket Full of Murder and its companion A Little Taste of Poison. She lives with her husband and three children in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Visit her at

CASEY LYALL (5’4”, brown hair, blue eyes, no known aliases) is a middle-grade writer from Southwestern Ontario. She works at her local library where she runs a number of teen groups and waits for management to discover they’re actually paying her to have fun. When she’s not writing, Casey loves to bake, watch an “unhealthy” amount of movies and television, and of course, read. She’d consider adding detective work to the list if she could find a proper coat. You can find her on Twitter as @CKLyall and at