The Book is a Secret... The Treat is Delicious... Welcome to the TASTY BOOK CLUB!
Registration and payment deadline: June 13, 2016. Call 519-884-2665, email, or drop in.
“Enclosed is a novel in which it's heroine has to marshal all of her resources when her privileged life in colonial Kenya is upended by the separation of her parents.
A panoramic historical sweep gets airborne through the First World War, a disastrous early marriage, followed by B's reinvention in a field dominated entirely by men. Her success in this trade widens her world considerably, and from here the portrait fills in a bit to the woman we now know to be a trailblazer in several storied endeavours.
The novel has real weight, a galloping narrative power and is a grand tale of a life lived very large indeed. It is supported with a finely drawn cast of characters--each of which are given their own turn in the spotlight.
Ambitious, eminently readable and perfect alongside a decadent treat.”
-- Dave Worsley
nb: treat may contain nuts, dairy and/or gluten