GIVING BACK - March/April Edition
Over the holidays we ran a promotion we called "Giving Back". Thanks to tremendous support from you, the program raised over $2000 for The Healing of the Seven Generations.
Encouraged by this we decided we should spin it off into a series! Each program will feature a different book, a different organization, and run for two months.
The title we've chosen is Flight of the Hummingbird from Canadian publisher, Greystone Books. In this story the animals of the forest have fled from a raging fire, but a courageous little hummingbird darts from the lake to the fire each time carrying a single drop of water in her beak. We feel that its core message is so critical right now: however small your actions it is important to do whatever you can.
We're thrilled to announce our partnership with RARE Charitable Research Reserve for this March/April fundraiser.
RARE Charitable Research Reserve is an urban land trust and environmental institute situated on 900+ acres at the confluence of the Speed and Grand Rivers in the heart of Waterloo Region. The reserve is a beautiful and culturally significant landscape that includes trees more than 240 years old. Rich in biodiversity, RARE is home to an array of flora and fauna; some of which are ranked significant regionally, provincially, nationally, and even globally.
Money raised through the "Giving Back" program will be allocated to the Turn the Map Green campaign. Groups and individuals can show their support for protecting green space in Waterloo Region by taking the raresites pledge and/or donating as little as $2/per square meter to symbolically adopt their favourite parcel of RARE.
To put it another way, each copy sold of _Flight of the Hummingbird_ helps to protect FOUR SQUARE METERS of ecologically significant land in Waterloo Region. Find out more at
Two Book Launches - One Great Event
Wednesday, March 15, 7-8:30pm
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
67 Erb St. W., Waterloo
In this book launch and author signing event, Andrew Cooper, Professor, Political Science at UW, and Alan Whiteside, CIGI Chair in Global Health Policy at Laurier, will discuss the themes of their books published in the A Very Short Introduction series.
BRICS by Andrew Cooper
In the wake of the post-Cold War era, the aftermath of 9/11, the 2008 global financial crisis, and the emergence of the G20 at the leaders level, few commentators expected a reshaping of the global system towards multipolarity, and away from the United States. And yet, the BRICS - encompassing Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - has emerged as a challenge to the international status quo. But what is its capacity as a transformative force? And can it provide a significant counter-narrative to the Western dominated global order? In this book, Andrew Cooper explores the emergence of the BRICS from a concept to institution. Drawing on historical precedent, Cooper provides a contemporary analysis of the BRICS' practice and influence as a forum and a lobby group in advancing a distinctive but amorphous agenda amongst global politics.
HIV and AIDS by Alan Whiteside
AIDS is without doubt the worst epidemic to hit humankind since the Black Death. The first case was identified in 1981; by 2004 it was estimated that about 40 million people were living with the disease, and about 20 million had died. Yet the outlook today is a little brighter. Although it continues to be a pressing public health issue the epidemic has stabilized globally, and it has become evident it is not, nor will it be, a global issue. The worst affected regions are southern and eastern Africa. Elsewhere, HIV is found in specific, usually, marginalized populations, for example intravenous drug users in Russia.
Celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Tuesday, March 21, 7-9pm
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
67 Erb St. W., Waterloo
Burnley "Rocky" Jones: Revolutionary - an autobiography by Burnley "Rocky" Jones and James W. St. G. Walker
In acknowledgement of the International Day for the Elimination of Racism; Dr. James Walker will address the community on Burnley "Rocky" Jones' contributions of to human rights and race relations in Canada.
Dr. Walker is a Professor of History at the University of Waterloo, is a member of the Order of Canada, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and has been honoured by the Ontario Black History Society as a pioneer in researching and teaching African-Canadian History.
Burnley "Rocky" Jones was an African-Nova Scotian and an internationally known political activist in the areas of human rights, race and poverty. "Rocky" gained prominence as a member of the Students Union for Peace Action (SUPA) and as a lawyer.
Following Dr. Walker's address, a pannel discussion will be held on race in Canada.
Everyone is welcome to this free event. Please let them know you're going and RSVP at Eventbrite