From the desk of Mandy Brouse...
"Today David Worsley and I signed a lease for 5 more years at our current location in Uptown Waterloo! Words Worth Books has been thriving in Uptown for 32 years and we anticipate adding 5 more years to that running total.
In truth, it has been a hard year for this entire Region. Some doors have closed for good, some of our favourite businesses are moving, and we've seen less foot traffic in Uptown. And we've worked extremely hard this year to stay in the exact same spot. It seems we'll achieve that goal.
With that said, this year isn't over. Our busiest and most important time is October-December and we're hoping that construction won't stop you from shopping with us this season. Grandlinq tells us that by November 30th they will have King street fully paved and open for two-way traffic. We'll get our streets back in Uptown. We are near the finish line.
We have seen so much support this year, so many people came out every day to support their independent bookstore in this Region. We hope we thanked everyone with our hard work and dedication. We absolutely could not be here without you.
Here's to 5 more years!!"