UNDER WRAPS: Valentine's Day Edition
Back by popular demand and in very limited supply, 3 books, $25 dollars, 1 clue.
You're never lonely when your primary romantic relationship is with books! An how better to meet a new literary life-partner than through a blind date? Carefully selected by our Matchmaker Team and catering to a wide range of tastes: mystery, literary fiction, horror, adventure and more! Get them while they're hot!
Attention subscribers to the Tasty Book Club -- DELIVERY DELAY
Sorry to report that the title we selected was out of stock and reprinting in Canada. We have found a cache of them elsewhere and they're on their way. Unfortunately this means you will not receive your delectable parcel on Valentine's Day as we intended. Look for it at your door on Thursday, February 23. (We'll be notifying you individually about this delay.)
What did you think of Kevin Brockmeier's Illumination? Would you like to get together and talk about the books? Should we try that?
Please email Kristen H. (kristengh@wordsworthbooks.com) if you're interested and we'll see if we can get something off the ground.
Tuesday, February 21, 7pm at Words Worth Books
Dispatches from Lesbian America is a collection of more than forty works of short fiction and memoir from contemporary writers, some newly emerging and some well-known. Unique in recent lesbian anthologies, these thoughtful stories address themes meaningful to us in the modern world.
Featuring local author and contributor, Mo Markham. The event is free; everyone is welcome. Contact Words Worth Books for more information.
Cultured Club at THE BERLIN: with JOEL MacCHARLES, co-author of BATCH
Thursday, February 23, 7pm at THE BERLIN: 45 King St. W., Kitchener
The BERLIN kicks off their Cultured Club series with Forked River Brewery and Joel MacCharles, co-author of Batch.
"Join us and our sommelier Wes, who has curated a fun and interactive tasting experience, as we sample some rare and specialty brews from this amazing brewery paired with unique dishes from Chef Jonathan Gushue, and The Berlin kitchen team.
Joel MacCharles will also be preparing some specialty preserved and femerented specialties that he has prepared with Forked River Beer and featuring some unique items from his amazing book!
Words Worth Books will also be joining us with copies of "Batch" available for you to purchase. Any books purchased from Words Worth that evening will come with a special signing from the author himself!
We love to hear from you. Please drop us a line at hello@wordsworthbooks.com, call 519-884-2665, or better yet-- visit! 96 King St. in Uptown Waterloo. We also do the Facebook and the Twitter and the Instagram, so find us online.